terça-feira, 11 de agosto de 2009

romance is dead[?] (alternate version)

...and the girl said:
we killed romance, you and me,
when we turned our backs
to what we dont want to see,
we killed our hopes and dreams,
exchanging "can be's" by the "could have been's"
finding out that love could hurt and even die,
and then using it as an excuse to not even try

we killed romance, you and me,
thinking we're gods in a world we tame,
when we're just men and women in a much bigger game
we stopped fighting for what we earn and believe,
but started believing we deserve someone else's dream

we killed romance, you and me,
painting lifes on tales covered in dust,
growing blind to the people and stories in front of us,
we let courage and passion die out of fear,
raising a numbness we can no longer tear

the boy said:
we are not trapped in the fates we draw:
measured in prizes we think we score.
life will bring you whatever you choose to folow
[luckily, we're not that hollow]
and if at any given time,
you think that romance is dead,
look for it in your heart
remembering that it's all in your head

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